Get treatment for all your mental healthcare needs.

Specialties and Services

  • Trauma Therapy

    Our therapists provide a safe, warm and compassionate place to process painful and traumatic experiences. We have therapists trained and certified in EMDR, a type of therapy proven to be highly effective at helping people heal from trauma.

  • Relationship Counseling

    Relationship counseling can be beneficial for a wide range of issues and for couples looking to strengthen their relationship. Our therapists work with couples navigating a wide variety of issues including effective communication, alignment of goals, and coparenting.

  • Depression and Anxiety

    Depression, fear, and anxiety are some of the most common experiences that bring people to therapy. Our therapists are trained in a variety of evidenced-based modalities, including DBT and CBT, that can help alleviate symptoms and restore motivation and joy.

  • Grief and Loss

    Regrets, guilt, depression, anxiety, substance use, and a wide variety of other distressing feelings can arise following the loss of a loved one. Our therapist can support your healing, process loss and support you in creating new purpose and meaning.

  • Eating Disorders

    We have clinicians specially trained to work with disrupted thoughts and attitudes about food, eating, and body image. Eating disorders can benefit significantly from the support of a therapist in conjunction with medical providers.

  • Life Transitions